Poster: Operando X-Ray Diffraction of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries with Concurrent…
Presenter: Yu-Chuan Chien
Title: Operando X-Ray Diffraction of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries with Concurrent Resistance Measurement
Affiliation: Uppsala University
In this work, a modification of a coin cell was designed to preserve the electrochemical equivalence of a Li-S cell made with an unmodified coin cell while allowing X-ray radiation passing through. This design enabled in-house operando XRD with simultaneous resistance measurement performed by the Intermittent Current Interruption (ICI) method. The ICI method rendered both time-independent resistance, which is a sum of solution and charge transfer resistance, and time-dependent resistance, which is linearly proportional to the coefficient of a Warburg element used in the equivalent circuit model of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. With the combination of operando XRD and real-time resistance values, this study investigated the correlation between the precipitation of insulating solid sulfur species and the transport properties inside the porous carbon matrix of the positive electrode.