Nordbatt 2019
Welcome to the archived conference page!
We thank you for a good conference
and look forward to see you again
Conference dates: September 25.-27., 2019
Nordic Battery Conference 2019
The conference takes place over three days with both oral presentations made by leaders in the field of battery research and industrial representatives along with poster sessions and breakout sessions in which more informal discussions concerning the latest research are facilitated.
NordBatt 2019 presents an opportunity to review the recent advances in battery science, from materials development to cell electrochemistry, and battery utilization for a range of different applications.
It will provide a local Nordic platform for leading scientists and industrial representatives to communicate novel ideas and new findings, and to inspire scientific breakthroughs and technological solutions for energy storage applications.
The conference is organized by a dedicated conference group within the Danish Battery Society.
You are warmly welcome!

A chance to enjoy Copenhagen with fellow battery afficionados!
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DTU Energy
The research in the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage targets new battery types with improved energy density, power density, durability and stability. We develop, characterize and test novel materials, cells and battery packs, in close collaboration with national and international research institutions and industry.
Our main activities are centered on atomic-scale computational materials design, using density functional theory (DFT) simulations on supercomputers, followed by synthesis of the most promising new materials. The materials development is closely coupled to the characterization of the structural, chemical, and electrochemical properties. Characterization down to the nano- and microscale is done using international large-scale neutron and synchrotron facilities. An important aspect is the development of in situ scattering methods to study the microstructure of the materials during realistic operation conditions. Finally, the materials are integrated in battery cells and packs for testing of performance and durability using, e.g., impedance spectroscopy.
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Danish Battery Society
Haldor Topsoes Alle 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby