To make Nordbatt2019 even better, we have received support from both companies, universities and foundations. We thank you for you kind support!
If you consider to sponsor Nordbatt2019, please read more about our attractive sponsorship opportunities.
Platinum sponsors

Nerve Smart Systems develops and markets a disruptive battery control and management system; The Nerve Switch®. The technology improves system performance in energy storage systems, vehicle battery solutions and high-power charging stations by enabling switching between activation and bypassing on individual battery cell level

Lithium Balance develops battery management systems for applications like electric vehicles, busses, scooters, motorcycles, trucks, industrial machines and wheelchair for disabled people. This is possible with our flexible and safe BMS system. We have served more than 400 customer projects in the past 10 years.

Haldor Topsoe is a world-leader in catalysis and surface science. Utilizing our long history within
catalysis and surface science we are developing the next
generation battery materials for rechargeable batteries that will be safer,
lighter, more durable, faster to charge, more powerful and cost-efficient.

Bio-Logic Science Instruments SAS is a French designer and manufacturer of high-performance laboratory research instruments and software. Founded in 1983; with a current focus on instruments for: Battery & energy devices testing, Electrochemistry, Rapid-Kinetics, Spectroscopy & Photosynthesis, Materials testing, Electrochemical Scanning systems and Electrophysiology.

Cromocol was founded in 1945 and is a company with focus on test equipment, instruments and systems for quality control and testing of materials and components. The products we market are from world leading manufacturers, renowned for its quality and technical innovations. Some of our areas: Electrochemistry and Battery testing, surface science, weathering and climate simulation.

COMSOL’s mission is to develop easy-to-use software for the modeling and simulation of real-world multiphysics systems.
COMSOL is kindly hosting a workshop during the conference in the Thursday breakout session. The purpose of the workshop is to demonstrate multiphysics simulations of batteries in COMSOL. More info here.

Metrohm Autolab sets the standard for electrochemistry instrumentation. Over 30 years ago, we created the first commercially available digital potentiostat/galvanostat that was completely computer controlled. Metrohm Autolab creates instruments that are suitable for most application areas including: corrosion, energy, environmental, sensors, and solar. With an Autolab potentiostat/galvanostat and NOVA software there are no limits to where your research can go.

Metrohm Nordic is the Danish distributor of the Swiss Metrohm Group with High Quality products in Titration, Ion Chromatography, Near-Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, and Electrochemistry.

rhd instruments – the electrochemistry experts. rhd instruments is committed to supporting academic and industrial research around the globe by designing flexible, high-quality solutions to characterize a wide variety of materials for energy storage devices and other electrochemical applications. rhd’s portfolio encompasses setups for measuring small sample amounts under precise and fast temperature control as well as user-friendly and powerful impedance data analysis software. Furthermore, rhd also offers service measurements and seminars on electrochemical methods.
The Department of Energy Conversion and Storage at the Technical University of Denmark is kindly hosting Nordbatt2019.
The Carlsberg foundation kindly supports Nordbatt2019 by covering traveling and accommodation costs of invited speakers and supporting student participants with travel grants.
The Innovation Network Smart Energy kindly support Nordbatt2019 by covering catering costs of industry participants.
Media partnership