Oral presentation
- Your presentation time slot is found in the program. Most presentations are 20 minutes including time for questions. Please leave 3-4 minutes for questions. The chair will let you know, when you have 5 minutes left and 2 minutes left.
- This conference is about knowledge sharing. We expect all presenters to share a non-confidential version of their presentation. Please send the presentation to contact@nordbatt.org before the conference or no later than 1 October 2019.
- We expect around 150 battery aficionados at the conference. It is a broad audience from battery researchers to companies using batteries in their products. Please make sure to explain abbreviations and scientific slang.
- The presentation language is English.
- The preferred presentation format is 16:9.
- If you would like to include the Nordbatt2019 logo in your presentation, you can download it here.
- You will be using a hands-free microphone during your presentation.
Poster presentation
- The recommended poster format is A0 (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm) in portrait orientation. It is also possible to fit A0 in landscape orientation to the poster boards (130 cm x 160 cm).
- We expect around 50 posters so prepare to stand out and have your pitch ready to deliver your main results.
- We will have thumbtacks available for you to mount your poster.
- Make sure to get your poster QR-code when you register. This should be used for the poster vote for the Crowd Favourite-award. Make sure to mount it such that it is easy to scan.
- The poster session is Wednesday from 6.45 pm to 8.30 pm. You are welcome to mount your from 7.30 am and please ensure that your poster is in place no later than 6 pm before the final talk of the day.
- We hope you will leave your poster hanging until the end of the conference, as most breaks will be located in the poster and exhibition area.
- Please dismount your poster before leaving the conference.
- If you would like to include the Nordbatt2019 logo in your poster, you can download it here.
- The poster language is English.