Battery Recycling Research in Finland and Europe
Presenter: Dr. Pertti Kauranen
Co-authors: Mari Lundström, Pyry Hannula, Ilkka Kojo
Title: Battery Recycling Research in Finland and Europe
Affiliation: Aalto University
Finland has launched a 22 M€ project titled
Finland-based Circular Economy of Battery Metals (BATCircle). BATCircle is
coordinated by Aalto University and includes 22 companies, 2 cities and 6
research organizations. The project scope ranges from geometallurgy and mining
through metal refining and chemical production to recycling and business
ecosystems. The recycling part comprises mechanical as well as pyro and hydro
metallurgical unit processes, and flow sheet optimization of the total
operations. A special focus is in the integration of the secondary materials
with the primary metal processing and assessment of critical level of
impurities at different stages.
Aalto University and Outotec have been invited to coordinate battery recycling
research at European level within the SET Plan and recently launched European
Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) which is foreseen to become the
R&D arm of the European Battery Alliance.
The status of these collaborations will be presented.