Improvement of the Li-ion battery degradation mechanisms determination by…
Presenter: Kirill Murashko
Title: Improvement of the Li-ion battery degradation mechanisms determination by heat flux data integration in BMS
Affiliation: University of Eastern Finland
The analysis of a possibility to improve the Li-ion batteries degradation mechanisms determination with help of the heat flux measurements is presented. The measured heat flux and temperature data from the cylindrical cells surface are used for the modification of a differential voltage (DV) analysis method and improving its applicability in a battery management system. Power and energy type cylindrical Li-ion cells are considered. The effects of the C-rate constant current and an ambient temperature on the ordinary and modified DC curves used in the DV analysis method are studied. The analyse showed that the modified DV curve can provide information about capacity fading and prevailing degradation mechanism at higher than 1 C-rate current when the application of the ordinary DV curve is not be possible. Moreover, the modified DV curve allows identification of the changes in the entropic heat generation, which may improve the Li-ion battery degradation mechanisms determination.