Poster: An analytical approach to modelling of mass transfer…
Presenter: René Lorenz
Title: An analytical approach to modelling of mass transfer effects in Redox Flow Batteries
Affiliation: DTU Energy, Technical University of Denmark
Aiming at a simple and computationally inexpensive method for analyzing a single cell setup in terms of (pumping power corrected) net power, a combination of analytical models are evaluated. Regarding the fluid flow, simplification assumptions allow for relating the pressure drop to the applied flowrate with a single explicit equation, which is implemented for three configurations: Flow Through electrode, Serpentine Flow Field and Interdigitated Flow Field. Multiplying Δp with flow rate Q gives the minimum parasitic pumping loss. A first estimation of the power output is obtained by applying a Thin Film Electrode model, coupled with fluid flow by assuming a flow factor that relates stoichiometric flow rate to applied flow rate. In a second step, a differential expression of the overpotential across the electrode thickness, solved numerically, accounts for the 3D porous reaction volume. The results are compared to numerical and experimental studies.