Author: Maria Valeria Blanco
Title: Effect of carbon coating on the electrochemical performance of SiO2/C Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries
Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
We analyzed the effect of carbon coating on the electrochemical performance of SiO2/C composites to be used as anode materials of Li-ion batteries. Composites were prepared by mixing silica nanoparticles with different amounts of glucose, sucrose and cornstarch and subjecting the resulting powders to high temperature annealing treatments at 850 °C, 1050 °C and 1200 °C. Structural, microstructural and textural differences on the composites were related to differences on the electrochemical performance of the electredes. A systematic effect of the different carbon precursors and heat treatments on the specific capacity displayed by the electrodes was observed and it allowed to identify the most suitable carbon precursor and its percentage on the composite to achieve the best electrochemical performance.