Every day our very international and young research group of ca. 15 people strive together to create novel concepts and materials for next generation batteries.
This we achieve by combining advanced simulations and extensive experimental characterisation with the making of lab cells for studies of device functionality.
Prof. Johansson has been active in battery research since the early 1990’s in Sweden, US and France.
Today we together have a clear focus on the 2030+ horizon for several next generation battery concepts:
sodium-ion, potassium-ion, lithium-sulfur, calcium, magnesium and aluminium, etc.
We are also proud of our many large national and international collaborations:
Battery Alliance Sweden (BASE), EU/H2020: Graphene Flagship Core 3, Co-Fund DESTINY, and BIG-MAP/Battery 2030+, and not the least Alistore-ERI (CNRS FR 3104)– Europe’s oldest and largest industry-academia network within the field of modern battery research with Prof. Johansson as the current co-director.