We are delighted and proud to announce that NordBatt 2022 will feature the following international profiles of the highest possible standing as Plenary Speakers:

How smart application of rather simple electrochemical methodology can help to better understand ion transfer and metal anode batteries?
Martin Winter, Helmholtz Institute Münster, Forschungszentrum Jülich & MEET (Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology), University of Münster, Germany, is a true friend of the Nordic battery community. He has been in the field of electrochemical energy storage and conversion for over 30 years, with a focus on development of new materials, components, and designs for lithium-ion and lithium metal cells and beyond.

The Journey to Commercialization of Sodium Ion Batteries
Dr. Jerry Barker, Jerry Barker Consultants, Oxfordshire, England, UK, is to many of us the face of Faradion Ltd. As the founder and chief scientist he brought them and the sodium-ion battery technology largely to where it is today. However, his expertise in moving excellent battery material research into products via scale-up, start-ups, and IP has a longer history than that – he was also active in the field of lithum-ion batteries at Valence Technologies for many years.

Multi-scale models of energy storage materials: Always a trade-off between accuracy and speed?
Dr. Celine Merlet, CNRS/CIRIMAT, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, is an award-winning researcher, including the Bronze medal of CNRS, in the field of advanced modelling at the molecular level, applied both to supercapacitors and to batteries. Her work is more than often done in conjunction with experimental efforts and has had a special focus on various kinds of carbon structures. She received the special prize Joseph Fourier 2021 as a member of the team developing the Metalwalls software.